
My research interests include (but are not limited to) Magnetar flares, Fast Radio Bursts, Black holes and Black hole mergers.

Giant Magnetar Flares

Giant Magnetar flares are extremely energetic phenomena. So energetic that when a magnetar 50,000 light years away flared, it saturated observatories in space and affected the Earth’s upper atmosphere! I study these energetic processes and their relation with other phenomenon such as Fast Radio Bursts.

Fast Radio Bursts

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs for short) are energetic radio emission lasting for milliseconds originating at cosmological distances. They are mysterious, and their origin remains unknown to date (even though they were discovered more than a decade ago!). I study their physics and theorize different mechanisms and sources which can explain their origin. I also study their relation with magnetar giant flares.

Binary Black Holes

Binary Black Holes (BBHs) are systems consisting of two black holes in orbit around each other. I study their astrophysical properties, such as energy radiated and merger timescales. Specifically, I study Binary Intermediate-Mass Black Holes, which are an elusive class of BBHs with very little information known about them.

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