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Boosting Python Numerical Calculations on AMD Processors

Numerical computations in Python are primarily done using NumPy and its ndarray data type, the de-facto standard for numerical computation in Python. When NumPy is installed with conda install numpy, it installs with Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL). MKL is Intel’s highly optimized library for accelerating numerical computations in science, and is distributed along with…


Introduction Magnetars are highly magnetic Neutron Stars (NS). Unlike pulsars, which are powered by their rotational energy, magnetars are powered by their extremely strong magnetic fields. Their magnetic fields are extremely strong, often reaching up to 1011 T. They are powered by a powerful dynamo mechanism in their liquid crust. Though magnetar structure remains unknown, it…

Fast Radio Bursts

An Introduction to Fast Radio Bursts What are FRBs? Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are extremely energetic radio bursts of millisecond duration. FRBs are extragalactic, and they occur at cosmological distances. They are highly polarized, indicating the presence of an extremely magnetic environment. Their duration is not the order of milliseconds or less (hence the “Fast”…

My Terminal Setup

In astrophysics and astronomy, a portion of time is spend writing and running code, for purposes like data analysis, image processing, data visualization, and astrophysical simulations. Python is the most popular language for data analysis and visualization, image processing, and other tasks, whereas low-level languages such as C/C++ or Fortran are preferred for astrophysical simulations,…


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About Me

Hi! I am Kushaal, a 15-year-old high school sophomore from India, studying topics in transient and high-energy and transient astrophysics, such as Magnetars, Fast Radio Bursts, Black Holes.

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